Discipleship Chair: Elias Muludiki
Come join us in the discipleship ministry at Woodhaven Presbyterian Church, which includes the following opportunities for Christian Education:
Sunday School and weekday Bible classes for all ages
Vacation Bible School
Presbyterian events for children, youth, and adults
Sunday School and Weekday Bible Study
Current Sunday School Classes begin at 9:00 AM in the Educational Building, and our Nursery is located across from the playground.
The PreK and Elementary classes will be learning stories from the Bible and the lessons they teach us using Feasting on the Word lectionary curriculum. The activities are creative, kid-friendly, and fun.
The Middle School (6th-8th grades) and Senior High Youth (9-12th grades) meet in the Educational Building and use Feasting on the Word Lectionary curriculum. The lessons are engaging and interactive, guided by, not only the teacher, but each youth who participates and takes ownership of his/her learning.
The Small Group class does Bible-book study. They meet in the first classroom to the left in the Educational Building. As they complete a book from scripture, they decide among themselves which book will be their next quest. They have just taken a break for the summer but will resume in the fall.
The Spirit Seekers meet in the north end of the Educational Building. The group votes on topics to discuss and books to read and study. Lively and interesting discussions ensue. This group is known for its acceptance of broad theological diversity and open dialogue.
ChristCare is a wonderful opportunity to meet with other women at Woodhaven for Bible Study, fellowship, and ministry projects. These women meet at 10:00 AM, the second Tuesday of each month in Hancock Hall.
Additional Christian Education Opportunities
Summer Vacation Bible School
Presbyterian Events such as Kid Quake, offered in the spring and fall, and Camp Gilmont in the summer.
Confirmation Youth (7th-8th grade)
Confirmation is a time of preparation as youth prepare to take on the responsibility of adult membership in the church and confirm their faith as their own. This intense study covers topics such as Bible knowledge, theology, church history and government, and Christian discipleship. During this ten to twelve week course, confirmands will take an in-depth look at their own faith journey and the roles that they, God, and the faith community play in that journey. Adult mentors join confirmands on their journey and covenant to be faith partners. The confirmation class usually begins in January, with confirmation taking place on Palm Sunday.
Presbyterian events such as Youth Quake, Synod, SHYC, and Triennium.
Presbyterian events such as the Men’s Retreat at Mo Ranch