Our Core Values

I am Rev. Shane Webb pastor of Woodhaven Presbyterian Church. I firmly believe that church should not be boring and must be a joyful endeavor. We invite you to come and see the many ways we can help you grow your faith through worship, mission, discipleship and fellowship. I want to be upfront that we are not a perfect group of people and we do not aim to be. The Good News is that we expect people who come to not have their lives all together. We are a refuge for the hurt, the broken, the lost, and the lonely. The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the unique and authoritative witness of Jesus and God’s work among creation. Our focus is on loving God and loving people not shoving rules and regulations on people. Doctrines and theology are secondary and we thus welcome diverse perspectives. We encourage everyone to participate at the level they feel comfortable as we endeavor to serve Christ with our bodies, minds and souls. Woodhaven strives to be an intergenerational and a multicultural community church. We are inclusive of all people because we believe that God’s love and grace extends to everyone regardless of race, gender, sexual identity, income level or any other ways society attempts to separate us. I invite you to explore our website and come talk with us. Presbyterians believe strongly in education and we encourage people to ask questions about faith and we will work with you in finding answers. Faith is an adventure and we hope you will join with us on this journey of showing compassion to all our neighbors.
The peace of Christ be with you,